Pocket Informant™ is the only #1 Personal Information Manager (PIM) on Windows Phone that has been around since 2001. For years Pocket Informant™ has won every productivity award, every sales record, and most importantly – our customer's hearts.
Pocket Informant™ 9 furthers our lead over the built-in Pocket Outlook and continues to improve your productivity by focusing on getting out of your way and letting you do your work. 9 polishes the user experience, adds "Getting Things Done" (GTD) support, and on Windows Phone 6.5 devices adds full Touch Gesture support throughout.
We don't simply let you work with your daily events through lists and grids, but with the new Events and Journal views you can also look at your life's past and future in an easy cohesive environment. You can even have Contact Links directly in the subject of any task or appointment!
When you have the best PIM on the market you may wonder what else could we do to make Pocket Informant™ even better? You won't be overwhelmed by a new look/feel just for the sake of change or by dozens of new options or a dizzying array of new views. Instead we focused heavily on the user experience with hundreds of improvements throughout the application. All your favorite features are still there such as the innovative 12-Key Search Pad, interface scalability with our Roles including a "Pocket Outlook with Benefits Role".
Download This HD2 App Here:
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thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it doesn't integrate well with HD2. Can't filter out sim #s in the contacts, favorites, sms. Only integrates calendar. No gantt charts, very cluttered layout. Icons too small for multitouch design.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymouss above
ReplyDeleteJust curious...what device do you think this would be appropriate for...since the HD2 has the biggest screen of all Devices currently available...what would be a suitable phone/pocket pc to use this on.. Not trying to be funny..just thinking if this is the biggest screen what device did you use it on previously that was better than the HD2...i have it and I love it...on my HD2 so if you have a better device aside from a computer...please do tell
I'm neither of the previous posters, but I would think that despite the large screen size, an app designed for a resistive screen and stylus could indeed feel cramped on the HD2. Just compare your finger to a resistive stylus, no way your finger could be as precise.
ReplyDeleteEven though it's sometimes a little bit packed, GREAT APP! One of the best on this website, its the closest resemblance to Outlook on the computer. It's great! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!